Student and Teacher Applications

DOTS Academy is always excited to take on new student wizards!  If you are interested in signing up for some of our courses, please email us with the following information(you must be at least level ten to be accepted)

Name and Level:

School of Magic:

Type of Chat:

Days of the week you will be available:

Why you want to attend DOTS Academy:

As of right now, DOTS Academy will be happy to accept well trained and dedicated teachers.  In order to be considered for a teaching position, you must have the following requirements.
  • Be level 60 or higher
  • Be somewhat experienced in the field in which you wish to teach
  • If desiring to teach in pvp, have experience in pvp(good rating)
If you meet these requirements and wish to receive a teaching position, please send us the following information:

Name and Level:

School of Magic:

Type of Chat:

What days of the week you will be available:

Your areas of expertise:

If you wish to be a pvp instructor, your pvp rating:

The Wizard101 Academy you graduated from(if any), and if so which classes were included in your diploma:


  1. My application has been emailed.

    1. Ok Megan, We look forward to having you teach! :)

    2. Great, look forward to working with you! :)

  2. COURTNEY: lvl: 62 school" fire type of chat flitered

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
